
vendredi 12 mai 2017

La Beauté de la Neurodiversité au Travail.

Un projet porté par Gabrielle Blinet.
"I am a French woman with Asperger syndrome. I am also a consultant and an engineer. Today, I am carrying out an ambitious and meaningful project: I want to highlight the beauty of neurodiversity at work. I am sure that one day, neuro-atypical and neuro-typical intelligences will be able to work together. Nowadays, this happens so rarely in French companies. I believe that CEOs and recruiters can change their mind, if they see pictures and short videos of neuro-atypical professionals, doing an amazing job at work!
The neurodiversity refers to all the human beings who are characterized by an alternative neurological pattern: high-functioning autistics, aspies, dyslexics, and gifted people. Neuro-atypical professionals are not disabled: their brain is not wired like others, and this often comes along with great talents. However, these talents rarely blossom within French professional ecosystems. Rare does not mean nonexistant !"
More informations: Click here
In French
Vous souhaitez aider Gabrielle BLINET, participez au financement de son projet, en cliquant ici 
Want to help Gabrielle BLINET, participate in the financing of the project by clicking here